Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trader Joe's Chocolate Coconut Milk Ice Cream

My boss bought this for me today because she is awesome! And I am in love with it! If there is a Trader Joes near you I suggest you go get some! Less calories then regular ice cream too and it might even be better!

Life has been crazy!

Wow it has been way too long since I have posted! Things have been so busy in our lives lately I have completely lost track of time! I am now 21 weeks and over half way there! We found out about 2 weeks ago that we were having a boy! I wish I could have recorded Derek's reaction when the ultrasound tech pointed to the monitor and said "You know what that is!" I have never seen him smile that much in my life! I was waiting for him to jump out of the seat in the doctors office and start cheering! So needless to say we are very excited!
I think I am way to impatient of a person to be pregnant, now that I can feel him move (and he moves ALL the time he is a wiggle worm!) I just want to meet him! This whole thing has been an amazing experience, minus the whole getting sick EVERY DAY, ALL DAY for the first few months. But now its starting to get hard to sleep at night, with all the trips to the bathroom and only being able to sleep on my side I am not having the best luck getting a lot of sleep. I know everyone says it's to help me prepare for the lack of sleep I am about to get for the rest of my life but still I want to be as rested as I can be before this little man comes! My Aunt Dina told me that when she was pregnant she had forgotten what it felt like to be skinny, I totally know what she means now! I know its only going to get worse, but its 150% worth it! :)  
18 weeks, I thank God for who ever invented the sun dress, they are the best thing ever when you are pregnant! 

21 Weeks! 

I will be going home to Minnesota 2 weeks from tomorrow! I am so excited! My Aunt Dina and Aunt Carol are throwing me a baby shower! I am so lucky that I have such an amazing family! I can't wait to come home and see all my friends and family!

Well that's about it for now! Derek is nearing the end of training though we are still not 100% sure when he will be done. But that's how the lovely military works! 
