Saturday, March 5, 2011

We're having a baby!

Derek and I are SO excited to announce that we will be expecting our first baby September 16th! Time is already flying by WAY too fast!
 I wish I could have video taped the morning I took this! It was about 5:30am and I was getting up to get ready for work, I realized I was a tad late so I figured I would take a test not thinking for one second it would be positive! I set it on the counter to "process" when I looked at it about 30 seconds later I saw 2 pink lines! I RAN into our bedroom screaming "Oh my god I'm pregnant!" Derek FLEW out of bed super confused and said, "With a baby?!" Then of course I called my mom and best friend Vanessa woke them up and told them :) I get out of the shower about 15 min later look in our room and Derek is completely asleep like nothing ever happened lol I love how men can just shut things off!

Our first OB appointment was probably one of the best days of my life! We went in and met with the nurse first and went over everything you could possibly go over medical wise. Then the doctor came in and did the ultrasound. Though this isn't the best picture we could already see teeny tiny arms and legs and they were moving! It was so amazing! Then we heard the heart beat, it was so loud and fast I thought it was my own! Of course I teared up a little and thought "Getting sick ALL THE TIME is so much more worth it now!" Yes I got VERY VERY sick for the first 10 weeks. Luckily the last 2 weeks I am getting back to feeling normal again.
So I had my 12 week appointment yesterday and look how much bigger he/she got in just 4 weeks! CRAZY! Its starting to look like a baby now! We got to see him/her mover its arm up and down it looked like it was about to suck its thumb! Hopefully at our next appointment we will get to find out what we are having!

I'm still getting use to my fast growing belly and I still don't think I look pregnant yet just full ;) Luckily Derek thinks its super cute :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you look super cute too! I can't wait to find out what you're having so I can go baby shopping! WOO HOO! Love you!
