Thursday, October 28, 2010

Whole Foods Vegan Cookie Dough, BEST cookie dough ever!

Okay so I have a HUGE sweet tooth! I use to buy a small container of  the nestle pre made cookie dough and keep it in my fridge. That way when I was craving some sugar I would have a small spoonful... sometimes more lol. Well obviously raw cookie dough isn't the best for you, for many different reasons, so I stopped buying it.

WELL while I was at Whole Foods the other day I came across the Eat Pastry brand Vegan cookie dough. I don't know about you but when I read "Vegan Cookie Dough" I thought YUCK! But after reading the nutrition facts and realizing  that there was 1/2 the fat and 1/2 the calories compared to regular cookie dough, AND that you can eat it raw because it does not contain any eggs or dairy I thought why not!

Turns out its AMAZING! Derek even liked it and let me tell you he is the pickiest person I know when it comes to food! 

Go buy it! I promise you will LOVE it! Just a warning DO NOT buy the gluten free version, its awful! 

Monday, October 25, 2010


This past weekend we went to Temecula, CA with a few of our friends! Temecula is like a smaller version of Napa and is only an hour drive from where we live!  There are more then 30 wineries that produce pretty much every type of wine and even some champagne! The first winery we went to was the Callaway winery. First we started off with tasting 6 different wines (all amazing) and then we had lunch at their restaurant the food was SO GOOD!

After eating lunch we ventured over to Thornton Winery. Thornton makes both wine and champagne! I decided to do the champagne flight and Derek did the wine flight... We were all feeling pretty good at this point if you can't tell from the picture below :) We also went on the tour and got to see how they make their wine and champagne, its definitely a lot more work then you would think! 

 Temecula was amazing and we will for sure make a few more trips before we move again! :)

What to be for Halloween!

This is the question! A few years ago I was a showgirl for Halloween and I kind of want to do it again but better! This is what I am thinking.......
Found a corset for $20 that looks pretty close to this and then all I would need to do is sew on some feather boas! I think it MIGHT work!

Now the next question is what would Derek be? Something Vegas themed? It seemed WAY easier to decide what you wanted to be when you were little,and now its a lot harder! And I am not into your typical police officer or scandalous looking animal costume....Sorry for those who are but come on get more creative! :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our lives since the wedding!

Greetings from sunny San Diego!

I have been noticing quite a few Navy wives have blogs that they update so their friends and family back home can see what they are up to! So I figured why not!

Our lives have been crazy since the wedding! The weekend after the wedding Derek got his wings and is now an official Naval Aviator! He will be flying the SH-60 Romeo which is the newest helicopter in the Navy. After his winging we had about 2 weeks to pack up and start our trip to San Diego! We made the trip in 4 days; the first day we drove 10 hours and spent the night in Austin, TX. Next we drove to El Paso, TX and stayed with my friend Jenny and her husband Trevor for 2 days. The View from jenny and Trevor's was amazing! Then on our final 10 hour day of driving we stopped at a winery on our way out of Texas, it was so pretty and we made a couple new friends :)
View from Jenny and Trevor's Drive way
At the winery in Texas

We spent our first full day in San Diego looking for a place to live. We really liked the downtown San Diego area so that's where we found our new home! Its a 2 bedroom 1 and 1/2 bath. I will post more pictures once I get everything put together.  As you can see from the pictures below we have a GREAT view! Its a perfect location we can pretty much walk to everything! Its only a 10-15 min drive to North Island (Coronado) where Derek works and where we grocery shop.

We are still getting use to the change in lifestyle! Everything is way more expensive in California! But we expected that! Either way we love it and visitors are always welcome! We have a guest bedroom with your name on it!

This weekend we are going to Temecula, which is about an hour north of San Diego. There are a ton of wineries, apple orchards and pumpkin patches! I am super excited!

 That's all for now! Miss everyone! XoXo