Friday, July 8, 2011

O'h the Navy life!

As always the Navy has made our lives pretty hectic! We found out not too long ago that we will need to report to NAS Jacksonville, FL no later than September 30th! The baby is due September 16th, so needless to say the last few weeks of September are going to be a whirlwind! But I am very grateful that I get to have my baby here with the same doctor I have been seeing throughout my pregnancy. Having a baby, moving across the country, living out of hotels and trying to find a place to live all within two weeks makes me tired just thinking about it! Luckily we get to see some great friends along the way!

I really can’t help but think how truly blessed I am to have such a strong support system! And Derek has been a saint through this entire pregnancy!  I know I have been a ton of work and not so easy to deal with at times. We finally settled on a stroller and car seat (it was a process finding one we liked let me tell ya!) But thanks to some advice from my good friend Jenny we ended up getting the stroller she got for her little girl and we LOVE it! Though it was pretty easy for Derek to put it together, installing the car seat in the car is a whole different story! 

Two great friends of ours, (Derek’s brother from another mother as he would say), or as they will now be referred to as “Uncle Nick and Aunt Brigitte” Sent us custom made MN Twins and MN Wild Jerseys! We love them and we know our little man will too! I can’t wait till he can wear them! This little boy already has so many clothes! It’s definitely a downfall of mine! I never imagined while shopping I would want to buy clothes for anyone else as much as I love buying them for myself! And though he will NEVER admit to it, Derek is just as bad as I am ;) 

 Derek and I both decided it would be good for me to take some time off work to stay home and raise our baby. But anyone who knows me knows that I love to work, as crazy as it may seem I really do! I like staying busy! Though I know this baby will keep my plenty busy I still want to do something I love! So my best friend Vanessa and I have been working on a project that we will soon let everyone know about! It’s something that I will be able to do from home and also bring the baby with me! It’s coming together so well and we are both so excited about it! Though it’s been a TON of work so far it’s going to be 150% worth it! Stay tuned! 


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